Latest Episodes

5 Common Myths about Alcohol
Is alcohol good for you? We myth bust these common thoughts about alcohol and your health: 1) Alcohol is good for your heart 2)...

What is Smart Recovery?
10-year SMART recovery facilitator Jim Dickey joins the podcast to talk about SMART recovery. Self-Management And Recovery Training (SMART) is a global community of...

Dry January Tips for Success
Join the growing health trend of giving up alcohol for a month. Dry January has shown to improve sleep, save money, and improve health. ...

Post-partum Depression and Drinking
Sober Mom Kristin Candelore shares her story of having a baby during the pandemic, experiencing post-partum depression, finding the light, and getting sober. Kristin...

Power Over Addiction with Dr. Jennifer Fernandez
Addiction Specialist and licensed Clinical Psychologist Dr. Jennifer Fernandez joins the show. Dr. Fernandez talks about harm reduction psychotherapy in alcohol and drug use. ...

Spontaneous Sobriety with Nicki Hanseling
Sober mom and school counselor Nicki Hanseling, joins the podcast. Nicki talks about how reading This Naked Mind by Annie Grace changed her life....