Latest Episodes

How To Know If You Have A Drinking Problem
How do you know you need to quit drinking? How do you know if you are an “alcoholic”? What are the warning signs of...

Question and Answer Episode: Thoughts on parenting and drinking, alcohol taxes, and if your body and brain can recover after drinking.
It’s my first Q & A episode! In today's episode I answer how I feel about my parenting and drinking journey, does the body...

Sober Curious with Womeness: Exploring the Gray Space of Sobriety with Alcohol Tipping Point founder Deb Masner
I was so honored to be featured in the Womeness Community Sober Curious series. I got to have a meaningful conversation with Genevieve Nutting...

How Quitting Alcohol Can Help You Find Your Life’s Purpose with Karolina Rzadkowolska
This is a beautifully inspiring episode with Karolina Rzadkowolska, alcohol free life coach, founder of Euphoric Alcohol Free, podcast host of The Euphoric, and ...

Making Sobriety Fun and Colorful with Matt Pink
Matt Pink, also known as the Better Life Guy, joins the podcast to share his story and inspire others to quit drinking and start...

How to Stop Drinking Alcohol: Interview with Mark Holmes
Mark Holmes, Alcohol Addiction CBT Therapist and Founder of the Addiction Help Agency, joins the podcast to talk about his new book: Holmes's Complete...