Australian and Alcohol-Free author Mary Stuart is my special guest today. She shares her journey to living a life free of alcohol. We talk about how journaling can be a helpful tool in making major life changes. Mary also shares other top tips to quit drinking. Mary’s new book, Living an Alcohol-Free Life YOUR Way, is both memoir and journal to help you discover why you drink, why you want to stop, and how to get there.
Find Mary Stuart at:
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Lisa Bennett, author of My Unfurling: Emerging from the Grip of Anxiety, Self-Doubt, and Drinking joins the show. She shares how and why she ...
Dr. Hennen holds a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology with over 15 years of experience in the addiction and mental health field. She is the...
Day 6 of the 7 Days Alcohol Free podcast series. Today you are grounded! Don’t worry, not that kind of grounding. This is a...