How men are different when it comes to drinking, addiction, emotions and getting help.

Episode 51 March 09, 2022 00:45:40
                How men are different when it comes to drinking, addiction, emotions and getting help.
Alcohol Tipping Point
How men are different when it comes to drinking, addiction, emotions and getting help.

Mar 09 2022 | 00:45:40


Hosted By

Deb Masner

Show Notes

Men’s Coach and Interventionist, Eric Rias, joins the show for some thought-provoking conversation. Eric talks about the pressure for men to conform to a caricature of an ideal man, leading to increased risk of addictions. Eric shares what an interventionist does and what it is like for family, loved ones and individuals to go through an intervention. Most importantly, Eric shares the message that through healthy leadership and taking radical acceptance and responsibility we can all heal ourselves and be role models for others.  
Eric is the owner of Big Mood Mental Health and the podcast host of Hearts over Everything. Find Eric on Instagram at: @eric_bigmoodcoach 


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Want to learn how to practice not drinking for 10 days?? Sign for my FREE 10 Day Guided email break from alcohol: 

Need a longer break from drinking? Sign up for my 30 Day Solo Alcoholiday. 30 Days for $30 

Sign up here: 

Sign up now, your day 1 starts tomorrow! 

What you get: 

Daily emails over the next 30 days that include: 

  • Thoughts, tips and mindset tricks to make the break easier 
  • Tools for dealing with common triggers like cravings, stress, anxiety, and socializing 
  • Inspirational and life changing content 
  • Guide and workbook with daily journal, worksheets, and resources 
  • Accountability for taking a month off drinking 
  • All the benefits of not drinking: less anxiety, weight loss, money saved, better sleep, focus, improved relationships, and increased energy. 

Sign up now, your day 1 starts tomorrow! 

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